Join our VIP IV
Become a member for extra discounts and perks!
There is a three-month minimum for VIP IV Membership.
Membership cost is $100 a month, with unlimited quantity of IV’s at our discounted, VIP rate. Monthly benefits also include: Choice of a free hydration IV or Lipoboost shot each month and VIP pricing on our vitamin shot menu.
VIP Membership Pricing with Membership:
Level One IVs- $125 per IV (normally $170 per IV)
Level Two IVs- $140 per IV (normally $190 per IV)
Level Three IVs- $160 per IV (normally $210 per IV)
Level 4 IVs- $225 per IV (normally $275 per IV)
Hydration IVs- $70 per IV (normally $85 per IV)
*Unlimited quantity of IVs during the month*