Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) administered through an IV is an alternative health therapy that can be used to treat common infections such as cold, flu and sinus infections. Presently, there are over 6,100 articles in scientific literature dating back to 1920 on the clinical applications of hydrogen peroxide.

It is well known that antibiotics can kill the beneficial bacteria within your intestines and upset the delicate balance of our intestinal tract which makes Hydrogen Peroxide Infusions an attractive alternative therapy. Hydrogen peroxide is a part of your normal immune defense and your body produces it constantly. Our white blood cells are partly responsible for our immune system and they produce something called “peroxisomes,” which produce H2O2 intracellularly. The white blood cells engulf the virus or bacteria and with the help of peroxisomes, destroy the pathogen.

When we come down with an obvious infection, viral or bacterial, our defense mechanism has been overwhelmed. This is where a careful dilution of H202 administered intravenously can be a big help in fighting off infection. We use Hydrogen Peroxide Infusions to treat any infectious condition that can be treated with antibiotics, most commonly, Upper Respiratory Infections, Bronchitis and Pneumonia.  We also use it to treat many viral infections, influenza, sinus infections and the common cold.

Hydrogen peroxide therapy severely inhibits the growth of anaerobic organisms (bacteria and viruses that use carbon dioxide for fuel and leave oxygen as a by-product). This action is immediate, on contact with the anaerobic organism. H2O2 provides singlet oxygen, which, in turn, transforms biological waste products and industrial toxins into inert substances by oxidizing them.

According to William Campbell Douglass, MD, “peroxide is the ammunition of your killer cells.  Your body’s elite corp of bacterial assassins, called polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN’s), engulf bacteria then kill them with the “respiratory burst.”  The cell combines oxygen and water, making the H2O2.  That’s the respiratory burst.  The H2O2 then zaps the bacteria.



Our favorite book about Hydrogen Peroxide is Hydrogen Peroxide Medical Miracle by William Campbell Douglass, MD. It contains very impressive case studies on the use of H2O2 on numerous different conditions Dr. Douglass also points out that there are over 6,100 articles in the scientific literature dating from 1920 on the scientific applications of hydrogen peroxide.